March 7, 2017 The Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements is the most important conference in the field of electrical metrology. Held every two years, it brings together representatives from National Measurement Institutes, Universities and Industry to discuss state of the art measurement techniques and issues surrounding the measurement system. The conference in 2016 was held in Ottowa, Canada. A significant proportion of the program was dedicated to discussions around quantum standards and the new SI system and e-SI-Amp partners played a significant role. Some of the material presented at the conference by e-SI-Amp partners is linked below. (Note: two page summary documents are made available as per IEEE copyright policy) Ultrastable low-noise current amplifiers with extended range and improved accuracy (slides, summary) Universality of the tunable-barrier electron pump at the part-per-million level (slides, summary) Accuracy verification of single-electron pumps with 0.2 ppm uncertainty (summary) Towards a programmable quantum current generator (summary) Robustness of single-electron pumps at sub-ppm level (summary) Robustness of Potential-Profile-Tunable Electron Pump (summary) Scaling the current from a GHz electron pump using a CCC (slides, summary) Improved Calibration of Instruments for Small Direct Currents (poster, summary) Cable noise investigations for high-accuracy measurements of small direct currents (summary) ‘Cutoff frequency’ of a quantum-dot single electron pump (summary) Error thrownCall to undefined function simplexml_load_string()