June 26, 2019 LNE, Paris The final project meeting for e-SI-Amp at the headquarters of Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais (LNE) Paris, March 2019. This meeting (28/29 March) gave e-SI-Amp partners an opportunity to discuss in detail the most recent results of research activities and of the overall progress made towards our goals of establishing enhanced small current measurement systems, traceable current sources and quantum current sources. This was an opportunity, both to gather together materials for reporting, and to celebrate the successes of the various project components. Our project work has covered a wide range of techniques at a range of current levels including:- Single electron current standards; electron pump robustness and universality tests (100 picoampere to 1 nanoampere range) Quantum current generators based on resistance and voltage standards (nanoampere to microampere) Measurements with variants of the Ultrastable Low noise Current Amplifier (sub picoamperes to nanoamperes) Single-electron error correction schemes for pumps using charge detectors Reference currents generated with a capacitor ramp method (femto ampere to picoamperes) Partners also reviewed the interactions with stakeholders and other end-users of small current technology, which includes Users of ionisation chambers who rely on small current calibrations for radionuclide activity measurements Manufacturers of high value resistors, used as secondary standards, who are interested in the stability/performance of their products Optical labs who use small currents as readout of light sensors who want simple, robust traceability paths While the production of the final publishable project report is underway, the project has already produced many publications on these subjects, listed in Outputs page. These are available to the public to read as either open access publications or via the pre-print server that holds pre-publication copies. Error thrownCall to undefined function simplexml_load_string()