April 9, 2019 On March 20 and 21, 2019, the workshop “Ultrastable Low-Noise Current Amplifier (ULCA) in Laboratory Practice” was held at PTB. The ULCA is a commercially available instrument, developed by PTB, that enables the measurement and generation of small currents with the highest accuracy. The ULCA has applications in industrial calibration laboratories as well as in semiconductor device research. This was attended by sixteen participants from national metrology institutes, the international metrology coordinating body BIPM, as well as from industrial calibration laboratories and manufacturers of small current measuring instruments. Attendees were introduced to the details of the operation of the ULCA in practical demonstrations and lectures. These covering the most important application aspects of the ULCA in calibration and measuring operations. The capabilities of the ULCA, namely it’s low noise and formidable gain stability, make accurate small current measurements in the fA to nA range more accessible. This kind of workshop is therefore one way in which the e-Si-amp project aims to improve small-current metrology capability and the transfer of appropriate methods to users in calibration laboratories and industry. The ULCA is available commercially from Magnicon. If you are interested in any of the training materials or would like to know more about the instrument contact jdf@npl.co.uk. Error thrownCall to undefined function simplexml_load_string()